2.4.1 Update

The new version should be working almost as intended. Whatever you find that isn't working I will call intended and you can't prove otherwise. This is also the first version that can be called fully complete and working I think. For what it is trying to do it now does it.

Do drop any feedback and ideas in comments on project page if you have them.

Hopefully the last bit of issues with the animated emote support is fixed.

Chat now don't just have max number of messages but also a time to live so old messages don't stick around forever.

Now you also have a magnet with variable force and influence radius to mess with.

The colours of both chat and paintbrush should be just fine now.


TwitchEmotesOverlayV2.4.1.zip 33 MB
May 08, 2022

Get TwitchEmotesOverlay

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